Thursday, December 21, 2006

Illegal Immigrants I. What are some people thinking?


On the radio this morning, this latino man (he said "meng" alot) called the station and said the host that his parents were illegals and his parents brought him in from wherever he came. He then served the military in Iraq in '03 and became a citizen. The host said he "had no problem about that". Excuse me? He had no problem? I was aghast. This guy risks his life fighting for a country that isn't even his and in return he becomes a citizen only to hear a nobody radio show host give a "no problem with me" verdict? Where was the "thank you for doing a job I would never do because I am unwilling to risk my body to help out anyone but myself and I think I am entitled to this carefree life because I was born here." And you were born here from native parents? They were Native Americans, wow! Even they weren't really the original inhabitants of the new world. So when these nativists claim to be against ILLEGAL immigration do they claim that their ancestors had to fill out extensive amounts of paperwork just to be lucky enough to get accepted out of the many to come here. No, there families were hungry, impoverished, with no hope for the future and their only escape, their only hope to better their situation was to come to America to begin anew.
"They are only here to milk the system". I can almost hear the nativists publishing and saying this in the 19th century about the Irish. Of course they are here to make money and prosper, whether they stay here or take it back home, why does that matter? What no taxes? Blame their employers for paying them in cash. I still can't figure out how they are getting free healthcare. And if they are, I can't possibly imagine how crappy that care must be. Obviously there probably are individuals who are cheating the system by getting unemployment or welfare checks and cashing in on free healthcare in some filthy hole; but it would likely be few and far between. Americans are fixed into believing their high taxes are helping someone else unwilling to put anything into the kitty themselves. It doesn't take a real genius to figure out where our billions of tax dollars are going. Nevertheless, the existing sentiment on this issue is pro-immigrant because the majority of these people are working very hard to support families and are not being treated very well here. People understand that and feel for them. However, like the gays marching to support their same sex marriage ruined the chances for their candidates to win in past years, Latinos marching in support of working rights to illegal workers negatively highlighted this issue to the American people, all asking the same question that goes beyond sentiment, "Why should illegal workers have rights? Don't they lose those when they sneak over the border?" AND "WHY ARE THEY WAVING FLAGS THAT AREN"T AMERICAN ONES?..."

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