Monday, July 2, 2007

July 4 on a Wednesday

Independence Day is synonymous with BBQ, cookouts, outdoor drinking, lawn sports and time off. When we get Independence Day on a Wednesday you get a day off in the middle of the week, hardly a relaxing bloc of days. Think about it. If the 4th falls on a Monday or Tuesday you get a long weekend that ends with a day of sun, food and drink with the festivities thrown in. If it falls on a Thursday or Friday the weekend is kicked off by a full day of party and then the rest of the weekend to duplicate. With a wednesday, its not worth expanding either weekend by taking two days off, before or after and therefore, the 4th just sits alone, with only the weight of one measley day to celebrate our nations' founding. Have fun and remember to call a cab if you have too much because the boss may not look kindly to an unplanned vacation day by reason of the ol' slammer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Next year it's on a Friday. Then the next couple years you'll have Monday off. Three day weekend for the next three years.