Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Life is Good?

Life's been good. When life is good, time is scarce to be angry. When anger is amiss, the blog is neglected. So even with my hiatus in entries, I did catch a moment this past weekend. Returning to Boston from a weekend at the Connecticut and Rhode Island shores on a gorgeous weekend, I was waiting my turn in traffic when a RI-plated Sentra loaded up with young adults began littering from literally every window. Plastic wrappers, tissues and other non-descript trash items were thrust from the car out onto the road. Not only was there no obvious concern or respect for the public space, it was their brazen offerings with no intention of discretion that upset me worst. It is this behavior that makes me sad to be American, living in a place where throwing non-degradables onto the street would ever be considered where a rationale for any ignorance of their effects could hardly be imagined.

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