Monday, May 18, 2009

Beauty and the Business

I think I am looking very tired. I feel wrinkles, droopy sagging eyes and a heavy head. It's the norm for someone running a business I guess. I went out on Saturday to a few upscale clubs and just felt lethargic. I couldn't move my feet properly to dance as if they were both mired in hardening cement. Sunday was a slopshow, able to stuff face with McDonalds and then get involved in some hapless tennis. Monday morning was started without a shave and shower, it was almost as if I could not believe it was already morning. I think this man needs sleep. 

Otherwise the business has been pretty exciting. Recently we've done services for bed bugs, of course carpenter and pavement ants, termites, mice and rats, and we even did a exclusion for bats and a bat bug service. That was pretty exciting. Right now we're trying to optimize our termite searches to get some more termite accounts. Termites and bed bugs are the profits for a pest control company while regular pest control basically pays bills. Check out the website.

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