Monday, August 17, 2009

The Heat is On

Temperatures in Boston yesterday and today are quite unbearable. Just sitting makes you sweat. The reading is 95, but with the humidity as it is (probably near 100%), makes for some sticky sitting weather. Throw in the service work and it becomes difficult, lest to say. Pants and shirts are flooded by noon, that sickly onion smell pervades in crowded places. Train cars get vacated by a particular un-deodorized patron, lines in Dunkin Donuts stretch precariously longer than seemingly necessary when an odorous customer is waiting. People change directions in mid-stride. Behaviors change when its hot. People are quicker to anger or get upset. Complaints rise. Tempers flare. I am just wishing we purchased the room fan, I was eyeing at CVS the other day, so now I would be enjoying a warm fan breeze rather than sticky stale air while writing this blog entry. Hope tomorrow brings relief.

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