Sunday, May 16, 2010

World Cup exposed South Africa

Just as the '08 Olympics focused the world's attention on the emerging superpower of China, the World Cup this year could turn heads toward the conditions in one of the more advanced states in Africa.
I saw a commercial last week how the world takes a break from the turmoil, the tragedies and injustices that continue to plague our planet to commit to one month of the "Beautiful Game" sans interruption, but how about for a change to use the focus on South Africa to highlight some of these problems, to make people aware and to reshape the lost continent in the right direction.
It's not going to happen solely through tourist money. It's going to have to be policy shift towards developing countries that does not solely attempt to drain resources out and import dependence on established international economies, instead, altruistically benefit these underdeveloped countries with, at the least, short-term policies that help foster real socioeconomic birth.
Soccer, or football elsewhere doesn't need help promoting itself, but promotion should also be targeted with the impoverished problematic host nation.

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