Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Mormons lead the way in the corporate world

I do not hate Mormons. I don't even dislike Mormons. However, it's difficult for me to understand the ridiculous beliefs of Mormons in the modern world and their determination to adhere to outdated views despite their obvious shortcomings and descrepancy to the modern world. In this I can never mean that modernity offers an inkling of spiritual wealth, we are as spiritually poor as ever and I guess that's one of the better enticement to joining the Church of Latter Day Saints. With everything going 100 mph or faster in our lives, this church offers a slowdown of sorts, a step back to change one's life towards the benefits of a welcoming Mormon church (and its archaic tithe). Whatever one can get in the Mormon church that they can't get elsewhere (maybe its polygamy or ownership of women) is a mystery but the Mormons I know don't know how to enjoy themselves.

In a recent report on the news, it showed that significant numbers of companies are run by a CEO or CFO that subscribes to the Mormon faith. Hollywood Video, Jetblue Airlines among several other well-known companies are headed by Mormons. The reasons why Mormons excel included: Tithing their salary with the Mormon church (mandatory donation of 10% of salary to the church), their abstinence from alcohol consumption, their two-year mission to convert non-believers and lastly their commitment to family on Sundays. They put their commitment to family and religion above their job, but are willing to work extended hours of their time during the week (non-sunday) with complete devotion and no distraction.

There was a few quotes from the Mormon exec that killed me. The first one; "Are they going to choose the guy with an alcoholic drink in his hand at the company dinner to lead the company?" Since when does loosening up a company dinner negate one's ability to manage and lead a company? The second one involved participation in church on Sunday mentoring church members as opposed to watching football. "Leadership skills are developed with constant reinforcement; what kind of leadership skills can be developed from clicking the TV remote on Sundays?" This one made me realize why I hate Corporations as an entity. Mormons now control some of the most powerful organizations in the world and they're led with the same self-righteousness that corporate yes-men use to intimidate and guilt workers to devote many more hours to satisfy "corporate" needs rather than devote the same extra hours to their friends and family (their life!). It's a relief that some of these initiatives and directives are coming from the purest hearts of the world rather than the rest of us filth that thinks that 8-5 is time enough for making money for someone else.

I apologize if this makes me look like I dislike Mormons. I actually like some Mormons that I have met, but I perceive the same condescension from all. While I can stand it on an eye to eye level, when hearing this holier-than-thou from a Mormon corporate exec, and knowing from personal experience the corporate culture, it makes me cringe to think that Morman values run (or ruin?) regular people's lives.

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