Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Bad News

There just doesn't seem to be good news anywhere these days. Our boys are being blown up in Iraq while there is no end in sight. Nuclear threats are popping up again. The economy has flopped into a rut which is widening every day. Housing is unaffordable and the mortgage rates have hit the roof. Global Warming is forcing monumental changes in how society functions. Recalls of medicine, food and toys from make us wonder what is safe these days. American society is being spoiled by creepy paedophiles and our language is being watered down by Spanish speaking immigrants who refuse to give up their culture for ours. It has become so painful to watch the news anymore, we should call it simply the "Bad News".


Anonymous said...

All languages change...this is what evolution is. The world is in motion and you cannot prevent change. What harm English language cause? What are you afraid of?

Jaquins Lyre said...

There are things that make me proud to be American that don't involve flag waving and chest posturing chanting "USA" that the latino immigrant community will never understand unless they learn English and sever their cultural ties. While immigrants certainly enhance regional culture, being ultimately successful in the US requires the complete and painful processes of integration. Language is just the first step.

But to specifically answer your question about the harmful lack of English proficiency within the Latino community...They outstretched every ethnicity with the highest high school drop out rate: So unless it is believed that education/intelligence does not pave the road to success, let's stop pandering and start helping immigrants learn to speak with everyone, not just with their isolated enclaves. We will all benefit.