Thursday, November 15, 2007

Blog Riotus Working Out

I can't decide whether this was dick or not. Maybe you can help. I have been working out the previous two nights at the hotel gym and there was a young Indian gentleman that beat me to the only treadmill both nights in a row. I had to wait about 20 minutes both times before he was done before I could use it. Luckily, there was a universal machine in the facility so I could weightlift while I waited. So tonight, to avoid waiting for this guy (who ran in casual clothes; I gave him a pass the first night but when he was running with the same khakis and button down the following night, the judgement for gym faux pas was rendered), I jumped the line and as soon as I got out of work I raced to my room to change and beat him to the exercise room (calling it a gym is quite generous) by about two and a half minutes. He looked up as he entered to see my ear-to-ear smile and couldn't help grinning also. I couldn't figure out if he was pissed or not. I don't think beating the Indian to the tread was dick, but I did feel awkward beating him by only a few minutes. Who cares, it was better than waiting.

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