Friday, December 28, 2007

Things I'm Over in 2007

Here's a great list of things we would be thankful to miss in '08:

-Anything Paris. (The ho, not the City.)
-Anything Spears, Lohan, Simpson, Barton, Richie...Ad Nausaeum
-Reality TV, Celebrity this and that, "challenges" where people are given tasks, have meltdowns like 3 year olds and become celebrities in their own right.
-Crappy Rap music and the "culture" it promotes.
-Dumbing down of our nation
-Plastic surgery "breakthroughs"
-Pharmaceuticals that we don't need but we should have because of all the money spent on very expensive commercials have to justify the costs.
-Business buzzwords
-"I Approve this Message" Message.
-Getting Tasered, Bros!
-Little kids who order their parents around, and the parents that are okay with it!
-People who want to treat Lobsters (and goose livers) like human beings with feelings.
-People who think that their pit bulls would never mangle a little kids' face, because they "done know how to train a dawg".
-Our national lack of personal accountability.
-Kids that can't put a grammatically correct sentence together, but gradute high school anyway.
-People who blame teachers for their parental shortcomings.
-Divorced perople (and others) who berate gays for "ruining the sanctity of marriage".
-High speed police chases in thickly settled neighborhoods, and cops who are above the law.
-Entitled kids and adults.
-Keeping up with the proverbial joneses.
-SUV drivers who complain about the price of gas.
-That it costs over $4 for a cup of burnt coffee.
-Amy Winehouse, Pete Doherty and every other druggie hipster disguised as musicians who are glorified by MTV, Rollingstone and GQ day after day, month after month. Enough already!
-"This is our country"
-The Chevy HHR - world's ugliest production car just won't disappear.
-Red Sox Nation - I'm as big a fan as any other person who's lived in Boston their whole life, but for god's sake, give it a rest.
-"Retailers are seeing disappointing sales this holiday season" reports
-Ron Paul and his legion of digg supporters
-"I'm a PC... and I'm a Mac" smugness posts 12.28.07

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you with everything but Paris, I can never get enough Paris. Especially that stupid line I am Mitt Romdork and not only do I approve this message but I am asking for your vote" Go McCain! Happy Leap year, Good luck and have a Riotus '08. Keep Blogging!