Friday, January 18, 2008

Blaming the wrong hand: Illegals in this country

After a lengthy conversation with my [all adults] class today about how to resolve the immigration "problem", it seems pretty clear to me that there are really two major camps. Nativists (Entitle-ists) really hate/fear the encroachment of brown people who look and speak differently than them. On the other hand, Sympathists recognize the hard work of the common immigrant as an individual, not the strain on infrastructure that the total number encompasses. If it were really a national debate, there is undeniably a clear solution to the issue. Make harsh punishments on those businesses that employ illegal aliens and we could predict an immediate reduction of immigrants to this country and even one step further, an exodus away from the United States.

So you may ask why this hasn't been done already? Well, first off, politically, it is easier to castigate those without any voice. The illegal immigrant has absolutely no power in this country and he/she is a very easy target. Secondly, those in charge recognize that immigrants are willing to live out on a shoestring and live comparably rich than how they would live in their own country. They trade the consternation of constant harrassment and permanent instability working and living as an illegal alien in this country for this relative prosperity. In return, businesses, especially agro-business, can hire them out at half of a native-born worker's rates and they will work harder and longer, keeping products and food at dirt-cheap prices. Those-in-charge recognize that its easier to contain simmering racial ravings and rantings from nativists and keep them at bay with local immigrant busts and allowing them to march along borders with automatic weapons than come to terms with the ramifications of their proposals: A countrywide uproar over dramatic increases in costs of living. Political suicide.

And consider how difficult it is for immigrants to assimilate. In a nation that values the dollar over everything else, an immigrant trying to make money for himself and family is chastised for saving the rest of us the costs of labor. Go figure. If people are serious about immigration, it is about time we take a look at the real causes of immigration and take the [BIG] steps that are required to quell it. No? Didn't think so. My advice: Never pay attention to anyone who wields a gun to solve a domestic problem. Better yet, force them into a compound to fight to the death for their "principles" and then surround and napalm them into the ground. Wow, that was pretty angry!

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